Ice Max Custom Screws

Ice Max conveyors move ice cubes from Point A to Point B in just the right amount of time. They are available in variable diameters and lengths.
Screw Size: 9-inch and 12-inch screws available.
Conveyor configuration include horizontal, horizontal collection, and incline. Please contact our factory for more information.
Conveyor configuration include horizontal, horizontal collection, and incline. Please contact our factory for more information.
Custom screws are manufactured using stainless steel only.
Electrical specifications depend on motor size.
Please contact our factory for more information.
Please contact our factory for more information.
AMP Load
Amperage load depends on motor size.
Please contact our factory for more information.
Please contact our factory for more information.
Please call for more information on options.

Products should be installed in compliance with NEC (National Electric Code), OSHA, and other regulatory agencies. All specifications are subject to change without notice.
ICE MAX 1520 Westfork Drive | Lithia Springs, Georgia 30122 | 800-241-9778
ICE MAX 1520 Westfork Drive | Lithia Springs, Georgia 30122 | 800-241-9778